
Purchase of a pediatric manikin

Care / Emergency

Goal : $39,090

Every day, the Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont (HMR) Emergency Unit receives a multitude of patients with different and sometimes complex needs. In order to provide the best possible care, an emergency simulation laboratory has been set up right here, at the HMR.


Last year, over 77,000 patients came to the HMR Emergency Unit.

This laboratory will enable the medical team to perfect its knowledge and techniques in order to respond even more rapidly and effectively to everyday emergencies. Thanks to your support, the HMR Foundation will be able to provide the funds required for the one missing element at the lab: A pediatric manikin!

Why donate? To enable:

  • The medical team to develop their skills and be ready to make accurate and timely diagnoses;
  • Young and older patients to receive care that meets the highest standards of today’s medicine.

Support better care. Give.